I'm a big believer in making one small change, then another, and another until you look back and realise you have completely changed your life.
I believe this makes change less daunting, and more realstic, more likely to succeed.
I've seen so many people go full pelt at change, whether it's deciding to run a marathon when they've never left the sofa, or going on an extreme diet because they believe they have no will-power without strict guidelines.
And there is no denying it, these guys can achieve some amazing things, but they are rarely sustainable and you are left with the memories of, 'remember when I......'
Now of course, some people do need firm strutures, they need clear defined outlines and instructions, they need something 'big' to go for - this is what drives them on.
The trouble is so often, once the target has been attained, the challenge goes and with it, the motivation.
We have all been there at different times in our lives whether it's studying for an exam, losing weight for a big event, or some compelling event which drives us to make a change, to take a leap.
But research shows us that actually, making one small change at a time can have much longer-lasting results. It is the hare and the tortoise syndrome - extreme changes are hard to maintain, we can lose motivation quickly if we are having to give things up and our quality of life can be significantly impacted.
Change is also very scary for some people - another reason why a big leap into extreme change can seem like the easier option. Take a deep breath and go for it! Shut your eyes and jump!
But, a bit of planning, a bit of research, talking to an expert to guide you can help you work out the best way for you to bring in the right changes, rather than just change itself.
What are you eating? Is it structured? Is it varied? What are you trying to achieve? Working out WHY you want to change is as important as WHAT you want to change - then you can work out the steps to get you there.
It's like taking a journey. You generally know your end destination before you head out don't you? Then you work out your options: do you drive? Go by train? Fly? Walk? These choices will be dependant on other factors: When do you want to get to your destination? Is the arrival time dependent on someone/ something else? What is your budget? Can you drive? Are you mobile? Do you have a fear of flying? You gather your information and you then make your plans.
Making changes to your health is no different - you work out where you want to get to and why, then you look at your resources, your opportunities, your restrictions and make a plan that works for you.
Your steps will be yours alone, you will go in the right direction for you, you'll stop when YOU need to, take a detour, or change the route depending on what is right for you. In this way, you travel slowly, but each step gets you closer to your destination. If you run to fast too soon, you can run out of steam and never get where you want to. If you make one change at a time and build it up, you keep moving forwards, you can see if you are going off track and need to re-group. You can see what is around you and spot the signs that might tell you, 'yes! this feels good', or 'uho, this isn't right for me.' You have the chance to learn what is right for you and your body. To build it up.
You get to enjoy the journey and the destination becomes less important, because you are enjoying it, you are feeling better, you might even decide that the destination you first thought you wanted to get to, isn't actually the right place for you at all.
So, enjoy the journey, take your time, and learn along the way what is best for you - not a marketing campaign, or 'everyone else', but you - because you are unique and change is possible for everyone, if you find the right way to do it. Xx